Early period or implantation bleeding?


I have been on NuvaRing for about two years now, and have regularly had my period start 1-2 days after taking it out.

My last period started April 1, and I have had sex since then, but still with bc. My next period shouldn’t be until around the 29th. On Friday, I woke up and wiped after using the bathroom, to find that it looked like I had started my period. Or maybe it’s just spotting. I’m still bleeding, but it hasn’t really gotten any heavier. I haven’t needed anything more than liners, which is really unusual for me. I never spot, and my regular period requires more than just a liner. I also developed a headache on Thursday and still had it on Friday, and developed another one yesterday.

Am I just paranoid, or could I actually be pregnant? Is it still too soon to take a test? And if not pregnant, what could’ve potentially caused this random change?