Husband refuses to let me buy baby stuff

This is mostly just a rant because I'm frustrated, but I wanted to see what others think and have experienced. Right now I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant and we have only some baby clothes, nothing else. I have a complete placenta previa, I have had 3 bleeds with one overnight in the ER, on bed rest, and am very likely to have a preterm delivery. I have kept a registry since the begining and have recently suggested that we start ordering the essentials like the crib, diapers, baby detergent, etc. He gets angry when I mention it because he says we have no room for anything in our 1 bedroom apartment which he insisted was the only affordable option that would keep his daily commute to Manhattan manageable. But what are we going to do when she gets here?

We're not having a baby shower because I'm estranged from my family and his is already financially stressed. We also live in a new place and have very few friends close by. I feel like he's forcing me to be more unprepared than I already am as a FTM with no family support aside from him. I'm not making any money of my own since I'm on bed rest and I can't help to organize the closets and put things in storage for the same reason. So I'm just stuck having to do everything his way and I'm just tired of it. I understand that he's overwhelmed with all of his extra responsibilities since I'm unable to do anything, but I feel that he's being unreasonable. What can I even do though? I just feel trapped.