Need answers!

Today I’m supposed to have my period, I’ve been stressed all week about it so wouldn’t be surprised if it’s late. Anyways me and my boyfriend had sex. Would that also be a reason I could be late? ( it was protected). Also, this might sound confusing pls bare with me.

While me and my boyfriend had sex, he did cum in the condom. It didn’t break or anything. We check it after just to be sure. Well at the top, there was like a thick discharge. Not sure if it was cum, or if it was from me cause the cum inside the condom, was thin, like normal cum would be I guess. At the top of the condom it was thick. I did have thick discharge today. Could that be from me or him?

He did finger me after he touched it which is why I’m asking. My chance of pregnancy today is 1%. Should I be worried? If so I can get a plan b, but if it wasn’t his cum, I won’t have to spend the $50