Being alive is a struggle right now 😭


I'm only 31 weeks but seriously everything is a struggle. I had to sit on a bar stool just to make dinner because my feet hurt so bad I can't stand for more than 5 mins at a time. I feel like hes kicking me in my lungs and it makes me cough and gasp for breath. I'm so short of breath it feels like I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I have lightening crotch so bad I can't walk and he kicks me so hard in the ribs it makes me yelp. I have to roll off the couch just to pee and then by the time I get to the bathroom I'm huffing and puffing. I feel like I'm 80 years old and weigh 600lbs. 😭 don't get me wrong I'm still so thankful to be carrying this little man. I just needed to vent to people who understand my pain!