Is this something worth getting upset over?

Long long story boyfriend has a 9 year old son and we have a 8 month old together. He gets his oldest only a coupe of hours a week at the moment and whenever he gets him he takes him back to his uncles house. We stay together sometimes but do not live together right now. To me it doesn’t feel like he even has another kid because I don’t see his kid at all. But he would do anything for this kid and has done little to nothing for our son. He says he is trying to change and prove to me that he does care and want to be together but then he got his son today and I saw him for a little bit and then he took his son back to his uncles. He said that he was going to get his stuff and then come over. Well he didn’t, they just stayed there. And even when I do see his son maybe once every two months (MAYBE) his son is very rude and disrespectful to me. What would you guys do? I’ve tried telling him how I feel dozens and dozens of times.