Lost my virginity!


I'm 22, Christian, and in my first real relationship. I thought I would wait for marriage, but my libido got in the way. I've always been a sexual person, ever since puberty hit me like a train, and my sweet boyfriend helped me wade into the waters of debauchery with baby steps. He was fine with me waiting, and asked me a dozen times if I was certain that I wanted to do this.

Crazy thing: I don't feel guilty at all. My soul isn't crushed and my life isn't ruined. I honestly feel better for it, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like my virginity was made out to be my entire personality, and now I'm just me. Just Emily.

It wasn't the abysmal first time so many of my friends talked about, either. Sure, it hurt a bit at the beginning, but we had fun, and it did end up feeling pretty good. Of course we used protection, we're both clean, and we high-fived after it was over and done with.

Sorry for the long post, but I just had to talk about it! There's so much more I could say, but my mind is just buzzing, every thought running 100 miles per hour and I just. . . Feel so relieved.