Husband doesn’t understand

My husband and I have been TTC since last June. It’s been a very long and frustrating process. I got pregnant finally in December and then miscarried ( my due date was 9-8). He scrolling through fb yesterday and tells me his ex gf just announced she’s pregnant. I’m like oh good for her and then I got into a really bad mood. He’s like ‘ why are you cranky’ and I told him ( all choked up) that he doesn’t need to share other peoples pregnancy announcements with me. He gets all attitudey then and tells me to get over it and that other people’s pregnancies have nothing to do with us. Then why even mention it to me? I went on her facebook later on and guess what- she’s due in September just like I would have been. My husband just doesn’t get it. I’m not over what happened yet and am extremely sad I am not pregnant again yet. The big part of the reason we are struggling too is because of him and low motility. You’d think he’d be a little more sympathetic.