10 eggs retrieved, 2 mature— 4 fertilized. Need some prayers!


OK Team, I need all the support I can get right now. My known egg donor had retrieval yesterday - 10 eggs were retrieved. Today I got the call that only 2 were mature, 5 were sub-mature, 3 weren't mature at all. Normally they wouldn't use the 5 sub-mature ones, but since there were so few, they decided to do ICSI for all 7. Today I got the call that 4 fertilized. Now for the waiting and daily calls from the lab... I'm losing my shit over here. This was our one shot (financially) and I'm just terrified by these numbers so far. I really expected great news today, and now I'm so worried to get the call tomorrow morning. I know 'it only takes one' but I'm so gutted with this news... Just hoping for some prayers and positive thoughts - all that you can spare. Thanks everyone.