Vagina smells off after he comes in me?

So my husband and I usually use condoms when we have sex.

But right before my period, we like to use VCF only- and he always comes in me.

I noticed that the day after he comes in me, my vagina smells... different. Like it smells very slightly fishy- but I wouldn’t say it smells “horrible” or anything.

The smell always goes away within a day or two... but without fail, it does end up smelling funky the day after he comes inside.

I always shower off after sex & I wash down there really well. Also, my husbands semen does NOT smell like this on its own... so I know it’s not “him” that smells. I would say it smells normal (like chlorine/ pool water kind of).

I’ve never in my life experienced my vagina smelling like this though.

I take a good daily probiotic & I eat relatively healthy foods.

That being said, my husband is the only man that has come inside of me.

I’ve heard semen can throw off the pH balance of the vagina- resulting in a weird smell. Is this true? And is this “okay?”

Does this happen to anyone else?

I do get a little self conscious about it... but like I said, the smell always goes away within a couple of days, and I’ve never had any discomfort or a yeast infection from it.