Long Freaky Story ...

J & J’s Mum 🤩

I’m sooooo confused ????

This has been a 4.5 year journey to complete our family - we have secondary unexplained infertility.

After a miscarriage and D&C 3 years ago we have had 3 x failed IUIs, 7 IVFs with ICSI (7 fresh transfers) all failed, with 5 of those cycles having none make it to blast.

2 x failed FETs.

3rd FET = BFP 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Here’s where it gets interesting ...

First 2 days my numbers doubled nicely so they told me to wait until 7 weeks for a scan.

I went to my Doc last week to get a referral to an Obstrician and she had me do some bloods. The numbers showed that they were low and not doubling properly (only 2500).

I presented to the hospital Thursday night with some slight pain and concerns about my hcg numbers.

There was nothing they could do for me as it was after hours and no ultrasound technicians available. They told me to come back Friday. Good Friday I returned and they took more bloods and told me that because of the Easter Long weekend there were no ultrasound technicians on.

My hcg increased to 4000ish so they were concerned it was not doubling.

They asked me to return Sunday to check my hcg levels.

Sunday afternoon I returned and my hcg had only risen to 4500ish - so they told me my pregnancy was not viable, but unfortunately because of the long weekend - still no ultrasound technicians available till Tuesday. I had the option to wait until Tues for a scan or they would admit me immediately for a D&C and laparoscopy. They were concerned my pregnancy was ectopic.

I opted not to wait and prolong things so Sunday night I had a laparoscopy and D&C. They did not find any evidence of an ectopic and was no sign of any embryo in the D&C, so were sure it was not a viable pregnancy. They asked me to return Tuesday for an ultrasound to 100% make sure there was an ectopic.

So I returned to hospital this morning, in pain as all the pain meds have worn off. They do my bloods as well to make sure my hcg is dropping ... and it’s about the same at 4500.

I go in for the Ultrasound balling my eyes out - and I’m fucking pregnant!

I had a heartbeat of 102 and am measuring 5w5d (should be almost 7w tho).

As you can imagine I burst into tears!

The tech said to me ... umm I don’t know how to tell you this, but you have a baby in there.

So now ... I’m soooo happy - but freaking out at the same time. How did they do a D&C and miss the baby??!!! HOW?

Am I now gonna loose this baby because of all the surgery?

My hcg is not rising properly and the heartbeat is slightly low and I am measuring about a week behind (unless this is a natural pregnancy and not from the FET???)

After all that I have been thru - I am petrified of loosing this baby (again!)

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and PLEASE let me know if any similar stories with Happy Endings x