
The last two arguments my husband and I have had he mentions divorce

Well the third time he mentioned divorce he left for work

In my state you can print out all the divorce papers that you need fill them out at home take them over to the courthouse << Yes these papers are legitimate they come from the Pennsylvania Doc website whatever it’s called I don’t know

So I printed every single one of them out put them nice and neatly in an envelope had his mother pick them up and serve them to him and I gave her the instructions to tell him...if he wants one so bad here you go fill out the damn papers.

She called me said he got them and he was looking them over and she would bring them over later as he wanted to look at them some more when he had some time

She came back to my place about 1.5 - two hours later and said he doesn’t want one

Uhhhhh 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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