I never want to be a mother


This is something that has always bothered me and though I’ve spoken to about it to my close female friends I haven’t found much comfort in it since they all want children in the future. My lack of interest towards motherhood became very obvious to me at a really young age; in elementary school I would be grossed out (hell, even repelled) watching little girls play with baby dolls, seeing them put them in little strollers or put a bottle of milk to their mouth didn’t seem appealing to me at all. I only feel maternal towards animals, anything human immediately makes me uncomfortable and awkward. I’m especially self conscious about this because I’m not good at hiding it and have been told before that I’m “weird” around children. I guess they’re cute sometimes but that’s about it. I take my birth control religiously and get sick to my stomach even thinking about the possibility of getting pregnant. If I could rip out my uterus and burn it I would. My current boyfriend says he wants kids in the future so we definitely won’t be long term....Anyway, there has to be other women that feel like this too? I hope?