Baby boy arrived 4/22 @ 7:52pm


I'll try to keep this short and sweet! I was induced for chronic hypertension at 38 weeks. My blood pressure the last 2 months have been totally normal but we decided to just induce cuz babys head was measuring in the 97%.

I also had SPD since 25 weeks so we were worried my pelvis was just too narrow and that I may end up having a section.

Got pitocin started at 6:40am, got to level 14 of the pit by noon and asked for the epidural. Pain was at an 8 😭 terrible but not like I had imagined.

As labor progressed, baby was stationed at -2 tho whole time and I got stuck at 6cm. From 12:30-4pm.

My husband and family all prayed and 2 hours later, babys head dropped and I was at 9cm!!

Less than 2 hours later we were pushing, 5 pushes later, Knox preston was here with a 13.75cm head 😆

First degree tear but some trauma inside which called me to go into surgery to get stitched up.

All worth it though cuz we have our sweet baby boy with a little bit of dark hair! 💙

Welcome to the world sweet Knoxie!