So happy I’m terrified


I am so happy I’m terrified. It just hit me out of nowhere as I’m laying on my couch. I was TTC for 2 years before I got pregnant. I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure and the doctors told me I wouldn’t be able to have children unless it was with donor eggs. I already had a son when I met my husband (my husband wants to officially adopt him soon) so this really confused us. Anyway time went on I got pregnant in December last year and we were thrilled. Then we decided it would be great to have a little girl because we already have Devin and prayed about it. Yesterday we found out we are having a girl!!! My pregnancy is healthy and baby is doing great. I’m so happy that I’m terrified something will happen. I am staying super positive but I can’t help it. Maybe it’s my emotions.

Does anyone else feel like this?!