I Stood Up For Myself!

So, my fiancé and I live with his best friend as our roommate. Honestly, our personalities clash... hard. And being pregnant, my tolerance for his BS has been low. It’s been my major stress this pregnancy.

Typically, I’ll ask my fiancé to talk to him for me about any problems I have with him as he’s his best friend and I want to try and avoid any conflict that would cause my fiancé to be in an uncomfortable situation. He knows how to talk to him better than I do.

Last night, our roommate was in a lot of pain from a toothache. At one point, I walked in to find him crying on the floor for help. Rather than go to the hospital to get strong Tylenol or an antibiotic, he decided to treat it by drinking 2 bottles of vodka and half a case of beer.

While I was trying to sleep, I had a crying puppy, a snoring fiancé, and a drunk roommate playing music and trying to talk to our other dog outside our bedroom.

I was about to lose my damn mind. I politely asked him that if he wanted to play music, to please go somewhere else in the house because I was trying to sleep.

He stormed off saying “I’ll play my music as loud as I want to” at this point, I’m pretty sure he’s a teenager stuck in the body of a man twice my age. 😒

But... he went somewhere else to play his music and I had a full night’s sleep for the first time in I don’t know how long!!

The closer I get to my due date, the more willing I’m becoming to speak up for myself. I always try and remain polite and respectful, but to someone who is drunk constantly, that doesn’t really matter. So... wish me luck. Especially since he will still be living with us after the baby is born. (Not the original plan, nor am I okay with it but it’s complicated)