Cashier commenting on your pregnancy test?


Husband and I are in disagreement about this.

We were at the store the other day buying pregnancy tests (among a zillion other things because - Target). There is a line behind us.

We are trying for another baby (after a recent loss).

The cashier laughs and says “you guys just wanna be sure or something?” And nods at the three packs of tests. I’m like:

And she the goes on to say “oh do you guys even want another? Is it planned?” (My son is in the cart).

I was honestly so shocked I didn’t even respond. I used to work as a cashier at a pharmacy when I was 16/17 and wouldn’t dream of making comments about pregnancy tests/ condoms/ lube etc personally i find it really intrusive and you just have no idea what’s going on in someone’s life

Do you think it’s inappropriate for a cashier to comment on your purchases and inquire about your fertility/ plans to conceive? I did, but my husband says no and thinks it’s no big deal.

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