Head lag??? Now I'm worried. Stupid Google


So my son will be 4 months in a little over a week. And his head lags when I pull him from laying on his back to a sitting position. OF COURSE I googled it and autism came up lol so now I'm dying of anxiety. When I pull him up, he lags and then kind of tries to pull up but can't really because he's already lagging and his arms aren't strong enough, if that makes sense. He holds his head perfect while sitting etc and on tummy time. Idk why he can't do it when I'm pulling him up :( I'm worried the Dr will be concerned. Most of online says 4 months is the mark but some places say 6 months? Anyone in the same position? I don't even think this test was done on my first kid but they did test it at this babies 2 month appt. I'm gunna keep working with him and see if he's just not used to it, because I never pull him up that way. Stupid Google, making me freak out :(