
okay so this whole post is going to be a hugeeee TMI, so if you’re gonna judge or get grossed out then i suggest you don’t read on 😂 (Note: I’m 14). Anyways, i’ve had diarrhoea for the past three weeks almost constantly, to the point where i’ve broken down and cried. i now have a doctors app booked but it’s in another three weeks which sucks. anyway, today when i had diarrhoea i noticed blood and i freaked out, thinking it was in the diarrhoea and there was something really bad wrong. but i tried to calm down, thinking i could just tell my doctor. my period (if the cycle lasts 28 days) is due tomorrow, however my last period was delayed by medication, meaning that normally the cycle after would be about 40 days if that makes sense. so i thought the blood obviously couldn’t be my period, and it was bright red and watery (my first period day is usually sticky and brown blood). i had a shower and decided to shave down there just so that it was cleaned up if my period did decide to arrive. while i was shaving, my v just suddenly started leaking with bright red blood, it was going everywhere. i freaked out and cleaned it all up, and checked frantically to see if i’d cut it with the razor. from what i can see i don’t think i’ve cut it, but if my cycle is 40 days due to the meds then my period shouldn’t be due for another 15 days or so?? could the blood be related to the diarrhoea and stomach pain? could i have cut something with the razor? maybe it even is my period, even though the blood is different? what do yall think....?