Bfp with pcos!


I finally got my bfp after 9 months of not ovulating, this month I did letrozole 2.5mg, ovidrel 250mcg trigger shot and prometrium started 1 day after ovulation. I always read posts religiously to see what people did, tried etc so i figured id post here!

Before triggering I had 2 follicles 19, 20cm on my left side. We BD once or twice a day starting 2 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. My husband has had his sperm checked and it was normal so we were okay with every day.


One or 2 of the times we BD doggy style 😂 because i have a tilted uterus and read that could help. After everytime i put my but/hips up for at least 10 minutes after.

I took it easy during the tww and did t do much excersize/activity. I wore socks all the time. I drank bone broth and tea. I rested when I was tired. Etc.

More detail about what i did:

Prior to this cycle ive been doing low carb/keto for 5 months and lost 30 lbs. i also have been on metformin for about 3-4 months. Ive been taking prenatals, vitamin d, omega 3 for months as well.

Today i got my blood test results and they came back at 143 😃 We are ecstatic!! Here are all the tests i took the past 2 weeks from trigger to today and all the random ones in between 😂