Retained tissue passed after sonohysterogram?


I had a sonohysterogram today to determine if I had retained tissue from my D&C on 1/18. They were able to identify some placenta tissue and I’m waiting for a call to schedule a hysteroscopy to remove it next week. I was bleeding after today’s procedure (they had to clamp my cervix to get the tube in place for the fluid so it was a mess) but then a few hours afterward, I passed a clot that was larger than a quarter and looked like it had tissue rather than just blood. I’ve spoken with a nurse who took notes and will have my doctor call first thing tomorrow when she returns. I’m wondering if the clot was the retained tissue they saw today and maybe the saline solution they injected helped remove it. Has anybody experienced something like this? I’m really hoping it finally passed so I don’t have to have yet another procedure.