Went from 5cm to baby out in less then 3 hours!


First baby was induced for gestational hypertension at 39 weeks, the whole process was about 36hours.

Little brother was induced a little earlier for the same reason, at 37 weeks. Started at 1cm and 50% effaced, so we went with the Foley bulb to help me dilate. 7hrs later I was checked, and was 5cm! Started pitocin to get contractions regular, still no epidural or pain meds at this point. Another 7hrs later I was checked, and still 5cm but baby moved to a -2 station. Decided to go ahead and get the epidural before they broke my water.

After that, things went fast! 2 hours later I was having intense pressure with each contraction, and babys heart rate kept dipping. Was checked and was now 8cm. Not even 20mins later babys heart rate continued to decrease with each contraction and I was checked again. Now 9cm, but we decided to try some practice pushes and see if we could get him to come down.

One push and they were waking the on call doctor! (It was 3am). 5 total pushes and baby was out! He had a loose nuchal cord and came out with a compound presentation (hand on his face), and I had no tearing at all.

Oliver came April 18th, 2019 at 0328. 6lbs 1oz ❤