Should I break up with him?


I’ve been dating this guy for about a year and half. We’ve been best friends since 6th grade and now we’re juniors in high school. I really thought the relationship was working out the first couple of months bc he really did make me happy. But as time went on he kind of slowly stopped doing the things he was doing to make me happy. We would pick fights at each other for no reason, he would get mad for no reason sometimes, he doesn’t really understand where I’m coming from sometimes, and he always wants to be right. I can never explain anything to him bc he thinks I’m wrong. And he doesn’t really like coming over my house because my mom is always there and same with me family. He doesn’t like going Sunday’s bc we go to church. I mean Idc if he’s religious or not but he should at least come once in a while to support me right? I don’t know. I just think I deserve better. I know I’m not the best girlfriend sometimes but I try.

Help me out ladies 😔