Little humor in late pregnancy


So my hubby has been doing his best to get me out walking every day. I’m honestly kinda scared to go by myself while he’s at work because we live in a rural area and what if something crazy happens - anyways I felt horrible yesterday and did not want to put myself together to go anywhere but he convinced me to go to the mall and once we got there he brought me to Lush and had me pick out some bath bombs to cheer me up.

Fast forward to this morning and I decide to take a bath before my weekly OB appointment - I throw a new bath bomb in without thinking that completely through only to realize it’s got a shimmer/glitter in it that sticks to every part of your body - I tried rinsing and was somewhat successful but still definitely had noticeable glittery flecks everywhere.

My Dr is a total professional and didn’t say anything but I’m still imagining having to do a cervical check on a 39+ week pregnant lady with glittery lady bits and a disco ball for a belly 😂