Would you be upset?

It’s not uncommon for my husband and I to chat a little when we get home, and oftentimes the TV is on or whatever, but we listen to each other, ask questions, and all that stuff.

Well today he gets home after being out with his friends, I’ve been home from work for a few hours and already ate since he was eating with them.

Immediately, he tells me about his day, then asks if he can change what I’m watching to play his video game (which usually results in a lot of annoyed cussing from him).

He plays while I tell him about my day, and he keeps interrupting me to cuss at the tv. Then I can tell he’s not even paying attention, just saying “uh-huh” and “yeah” every now and then. So I say, “so what do you think about it?” Referring to what I was telling him I was doing this weekend for work. He says “what’s that?” And realizes I caught him not paying attention. So he half-asses apologized and goes right back to playing his game.

I let it go and told him I was going to bed, which it’s time for me to go anyway, since I have to wake up early, and we kiss goodnight. But I can’t help but feel upset that he wasn’t even listening, even a little bit...

Would you be upset if this happened with your SO?

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