Ladies. This is how we should be treated. Don’t settle for less!


We are all super prego at this point and if your partner isn’t willing to get you whatever you need, you need to stand up for yourself. I keep seeing posts about cranky fiancés or unhelpful husbands. No. Not okay. You are growing their child. Don’t stand for that crap.

I’m on modified bedrest and my husband has been working his butt off standing on concrete floors at a very physical position at Costco. He works 5am-2pm most days. But he’s still doing anything I ask without complaining. He doesn’t make me feel guilty, he just says okay and does it.

Who else is grateful for an awesome partner?? If it’s anything less than this you better tell them who’s boss, girls!! If they aren’t stepping up to the plate now, it’s only going to get worse when baby is here and you need help!