Trying to conceive


sorry in advance this is so long, lease bare with me........My husband and I have recently started trying to have our second baby. I’m already discouraged just because of the events over the last year

Back story: I had my daughter dec. 2017 got and iud 8 weeks after. Bled for literally (and don’t take this lightly at all) literary bled extremely heavy for 8 months, finally got it taken out in oct.2018 and my periods have been so abnormal since. Some even lasting 20+days. I tried birth control pills with no avail to fix the problem.

FFWD to now, still not 100% back to normal but only about a week off from regular (before my daughter)& I’m still just really discouraged that all that bleeding may have made it damn near impossible to conceive again.

Please send baby dust and good vibes😭

Has anyone else del with anything similar and still conceived naturally?any tips/ tricks to speed up the process? We want another baby so so badly 😭