Statutory Rape and Custody.


So I got pregnant when I was 14 my child’s father at the time was 18. We separated when I was 17 and he was 21. Since then he’s been basically absent in my sons life and now he wants “rights” to our son. Well he started getting him on weekends mid 2018 up until January 2019 when he took our son for two weeks and wouldn’t let me see or talk to him. When he let me see him again I kept my son. Well when his dad had him, I called cps because I truly feared for my sons safety. Cps CUT MY BABY’S hair for a drug test. Which I was so upset about because it was so awful. BUT he tested positive for marijuana. My poor baby failed a drug test. Cps interviewed him and he said so many things I didn’t even know he knew. He told cps all about his dads drug use and even described his bongs!!! His dad is a huge pot head apparently. ANYWAY- When we go to court, I know the judge will look at the cps case finding but my question is, will the judge look at the age difference? Will the judge be more inclined to give me sole custody if I bring up the fact that I was only 14 and he was 18? I’m 19 now and he’s about to turn 24. I don’t think he should have any rights other than supervised visitation because of the drug test. He’s not capable of caring for our son. He’s too immature and too busy smoking weed and playing video games to even pay our kid any attention. He was very present in our sons life up until I left him in 2017. And then again June 2018- January 2019. Does anyone have a similar experience, how do judges look at age differences like that? Anything helps.