Total opposites.


Me and my S/O are total opposites from each other. In highschool I would’ve never gave him the time of day. Not because he’s unattractive just because our style/what I’m usually attracted to is so different. I love him so much y’all 😭. And he reminds me everyday not just with words how he’s in love with me. I just think everyone’s opinions of love can be so different. For me it’s that he understands me so well, and makes me feel comfortable. I can be myself with him more than I can with my own family and that truly means something bc I used to struggle with anxiety and depression. This is so cheesy but I love reading stories or seeing texts from relationships because it makes me feel so happy. I used to let relationships/guys define me . I was actually talking to someone else when me and him met, and he told this guy that he liked me so we started hanging out. And I’m blessed. Bc that guy is TRASH and my MIL did a fabulous job raising him. Anyways here’s some pics & feel free to post yours or your stories!

And our babe