What would you do? Update


So he really has restricted the WiFi for me ( not a big deal I have unlimited data on my phone)

He’s called me a pierced nose cow, ugly and unattractive and has been going to work saying a whole lot of shit about me ( which I will be finding out exactly what is being said soon) oh and he has not only threaten to rip it out he has also said if I want it so bad he is going to crimp the jewelry so I can’t take it out..

-Original post 👇🏻-

So Saturday I got my septum pierced at first my husband didn’t like but then we talked about and he seemed ok. Monday comes around and he starts complaining about it again and then last night just lights into me about. Saying he married a girl and not a nose pierced cow and how he is going to restrict all my devices from WiFi will not talk to/ sleep with me until I take it out. Has been telling people how unattractive I am and how he want to rip it out and all of that. I plan on keeping my piercing and when it is healed and I can swap the jewelry I will do so and get something that I will be able to flip up and keep out of sight. I’m hurt that he is acting this way but at the same time I’m not giving a shit because I am finally becoming comfortable with who I am and loving myself. So my question is what would y’all do in a situation like this?