Hip pain for 3 days now ☹️


So on Saturday my boyfriend and I went into the city to go to the New York Auto Show.

We walked a mile to and from the train station in our city and got off at grand central station.

From grand central we walked to Jacob k Javits convention center. It’s 1.5 miles in between.

We walked there and back and to Bryant park to relax after walking the distance AND walking around the auto show for about an hr and a half maybe 2 hours.

Well on our way back to grand central, where we decided to go to Bryant park to chill and relax, I was experiencing hip pain on my right side, it was really uncomfortable but once we got home and laid down it went away. But the next day I got pain on my left side, and it’s now 3 days later and my left hip still hurts, when I sit on the 🚽 the pain is so uncomfortable or if I sit up in my bed it’s just really uncomfortable.

What in the world caused this hip pain? I figured it was all the walking we did on Sunday? But it’s not even the same side that was hurting that day. Idk what to do because the pain is really uncomfortable and nearly unbearable at times. I’ve never experienced hip pain before either so idk what to do ☹️ thanks in advance