No period but a negative result


Hello this is my first time posting. I'm newly engaged and moved in with my soon to be husband. We have been together for 6 years so by this point in our lives we decided to try and convince. We tried for a few months and nothing so I went to the doctor to makes sure we aren't trying for nothing she put me on hormonal birth control and the test came back I didnt need it in the first place so I stop taking the medication she told me my period would be wired but iv have two or three periods after on time I might add and now I'm 8 days late and feel no cramps just get head akes and feel nauseous in the morning sometimes in the afternoon I'm 19 so I asked my mom for advice and she told everyone I was pregnant so if I'm not pregnant now I'm letting everyone down iv taken pregnancy test before my missed period the day I didnt get my period today and a few days before today and all negative idk what to do plz help