TMI, TTC....bladder infection, or ovulation cramping?


So, a few days ago....when I was supposed to enter my fertile period, I was completely blindsided by horrible pains. I couldn't tell if it was a possible bladder infection or ovulation pains....I told myself that I'd go see someone in walk in care and get antibiotics if the pain hadn't lessened or gone away completely.

That was day one of my fertile period, and the pain lessened by day 2. Completely gone by today. (Day 3) Has anyone else had fertility cramps strong enough to cause bladder infection level pains? With the worst pain being day 1 and completely gone by day 3, I'm not really thinking bladder infection anymore.....especially with the pain only being on one side.

I don't know what to make of it....I have 2 sisters with PCOS, with me being the exception of the 3 girls. I'm stumped...

I wouldn't think much of it, but after my 19mo was born, my body got 26 day cycle with 7 day periods of super heavy flow.... turned into almost perfect 30 day cycles with only 3-5 day periods with moderate to heavy's so weird. It's like it's someone elses body that I have zero experience's easier to track and less "I'll do what I want!" But it's weird, to me after 15+ years of wearing pads for a week or longer prior to my "estimated" period start because "who knows? It could start today, tomorrow, or a week from now."