I'm hoping this is the one. Should I test at 14 DPO?


Last month we accidentally had sex the day before I ovulated. We weren't actively TTC but more like if it happens, it happens. Well I started having strange symptoms and then had a very short light AF so we suspected that I could be pregnant. HPT negative but went to doctor to be absolutely sure. Blood test was neg too 😔. So we were both disappointed because we got really excited thinking about a baby. Well this month we accidentally did it the day of ovulation 🤦‍♀️. Honestly, I thought I wasn't supposed to for 2 more days, but I ovulated about 4-8 hours after sex. I'm really hoping this time I might be pregnant. I don't have any period cramps but I really haven't had bad cramps for several years now. Y'all please send baby dust my way! I have a HPT, but I'm nervous to take it. Can I get accurate results in the middle of the day at this point? I'm 14 DPO.