Is this shady or am I being controlling?

My husband used to be obsessed with instagram. He was on it all the time watching stupid shit and I didn’t care until this girl kept messaging him asking about me.

He would tell me every time she did, and eventually she started messaging me too after he blocked her because I got uncomfortable. I asked him why this girl he supposedly didn’t really know was so interested in our lives and it escalated into a fight where he deleted his Instagram app off of his phone.

Yesterday he was in a BAD mood all day at work and barely talked to me. I offered to bring him food and he said no, and that his battery was dying. I asked if I could bring him a charger and he said no again.

He came home and we went shopping and got into a fender bender. He got more pissed and we went to bed after dinner. He fell asleep before me.

Anyway I go onto Instagram into my dm’s and it says “active yesterday” on his account. And then I looked back at my follower’s likes and he didn’t like anything, so it’s not as if he was watching his usual stupid videos.

So am I overreacting or is this weird?