My symptoms??

So some of you may remember, last month, on the 26th of March, I had a false positive/possible chemical pregnancy. I got a positive Clearblue test and every other test I took was negative. I got my period shortly after that. Now, a month later, my lower back has been hurting me. It feels like I could be constipated, but I know I’m not. My lower stomach/uterus is also very tender. I also just got a yeast infection and I just got out of my fertile window. But is it possible that my first test was right and I had my period anyways?? If that’s the case, I’d be about 8 weeks right now. I’m scared to test because I don’t want it to be too early and be disappointed. What should I do? Comment your questions, comment and concerns but please keep the negativity to yourself!!

Other symptoms: fatigue, spotting, mood swings