My friend is having trouble in her marriage. How can I help her??

Simone • Mama since Feb 2020 • In love • Dog mum • Australian • 31 • Beautiful daughter plus three angel babies

For the last couple of years my best friend and her husband have been having issues. I would really love some advice on how to best help her. Here are some things about them -

• She feels very unloved in their marriage and in the past has felt emotionally abused.

• He has depression which he is on medication for and he sees a psychologist. She sees a psychologist too.

• They got married 9 years ago when she was 21 and he was 25.

• They have 3 beautiful children - 5, 3 and 1. For the most part they are very well behaved kids.

• They are both Christian but I’m not.

• She told me recently that she wanted just one person to tell her it was okay to get a divorce. But they seem to be doing better now. But I think she still wants me to say it.

• They are both very devoted parents.

• He moved from England to Australia to be with her before they got married.

I’m catching up with her tonight while her husband is working. I just need to know what I can do for her or say to her?? Anyone who has been through the same thing, please tell me what you needed to hear.

I want to be able to tell her to leave him but because they come from such Christian families, I don’t want to overstep my mark.

Thank you.
