Baby won’t stop rolling during naps


My, now almost 4 month old, has been sleeping through the night (7-11 hour stretches) since she was 2.5 months old. I would wait until she was calm, lay her down, and she would put herself to sleep. She started rolling from tummy to back at a month old and from back to tummy at 3 months old. In the past week, she has been constantly rolling onto her tummy and has seemingly forgot how to get back onto her back. When laying her down for naps, she will immediately roll onto her tummy and cry. She won’t roll back over onto her back and will not sleep on her stomach. When I go back in to roll her back over, she immediately just goes onto her tummy again. I’m finding that I’m staying next to her to keep her from rolling until she falls asleep. I’ve stopped swaddling since she started rolling over about a month ago. Does anyone have any advice on how to get her to fall back asleep on her own?

Note: She still falls asleep on her own at bedtime and sleeps all night.

Anything helps!