My last month.


This month is the last one I’m going to try to conceive. After a year and a half of heartbreak and devastation I am emotionally done and spent.

I had an HSG test done 9 days ago. I was told that would boost fertility and If Noh then <a href="">IUI</a> is next.

My fertile window ends today and on May 6th I’ll know if my miracle happened or if it’s time to move on.

I don’t want to spend more money on this when it could be going to my son. Yes I want a bigger family. I’m heartbroken but I’ve decided that if it’s not this month I am DONE. My health can’t take it anymore.

I’ll delete my app as well so I can’t track fertile days or anything that means checking for fertility or pregnancy.

So this is my last month and I’m going to have to be ok with whatever outcome happens because I deserve to stop obsessing about this and come back to me.