Long distance suddenly?

Hey y’all. Been with my boyfriend two years, longest we’ve ever gone without seeing eachother is a week. Long story, my family moved to Florida and we met in school up north. At the end of the summer we’ll be going long distance. My mom is sick and I’m going to Florida to take care of her while he’s staying in New England. He is finishing his last year and a half of school. My dad is paying for him to come for thanksgiving, New Years, and his spring break (bless my dads heart!!!!) so we’ll go about three months in between. My parents have a summer home up north so we’ll all be going there during the summer. After he graduates he’ll be moving to Florida as well but I am VERY sad. I love him; and he fully supports me going to be with my family during this hard time. Any tips from going short distance to long distance. I don’t want to lose this beautiful person. Any tips are appreciated!!:) thanks for reading if you made it this far!! :)