Braxton Hicks ??


I'm currently 19 weeks and since I've been pregnant I've been having cramping. As of late the cramps have turned into various amounts of pains. One night (sometime later last week) l had to leave work early due to pain going up and across my stomach, hips and lower spine/back. I thought maybe the baby was on a nerve when my leg started to go numb. I had to have help walking to my car. I laid down when I got home and the pain subsided after a handful of hours. It had been off and on for the next couple of days.

Tonight I was at work and I felt that burning/pushing sensation almost like when I was in the early stages of labor with my second son. I had to sit down and relax for a minute and eventually it subsided.

I went ahead and looked up the possible issues, I came across Braxton Hicks however the article said it's usually in your third trimester that you experience them. I have never had them, so I'm unfamiliar with the sensations.

Is this Braxton Hicks or should I be more alarmed and contact my ob?

(They already have me monitoring my stomach pains due to other possible issues.)