So confused

I've done a whole day of research and everything is contradicting.

I'm hoping someone here can help please:)

So AF didn't show up yesterday This morning I got a BFN, I've also been checking CP and CM.

3 days ago CM was clear guey and gel like, lots of it and seems like it would stretch for days and CP very high.

Yesterday and today CM is creamy and white not at all sticky and moving along to watery side (kind of in the middle)

CP is so high I can barely reach it but from what I can touch its blended in with softness and cant find an opening.

Glow is predicting I'm not yet at fertility peak

Google says pregnancy means high,soft and closed, and also says high firm like nose tip and closed. (Which one is it!)

Does anyone here know and able to shed some light, if my CP and CM could indicate pregnancy but HGC is too low?

I've also been feeling extremely tired

Nipples are so erect you can see them a mile away

Cramping is random and like a warm tingle can be intense at points of the day

Gassy problem :0



Runny nose

And just plain feeling like poop