Stay at home mom

Nikki • Mom to 7 year old girl and newborn boy!

I just had my second child in March.

Previous to that I was "laid off" from my job at 7 months pregnant. I say, "laid off" because I was quickly replaced after being told there was a lack of work.

Anyway, my boyfriend and I had planned on me going back to work after 8 weeks and putting the baby in daycare. Our older daughter is in 2nd grade, so luckily only one kid in daycare.

After a few job interviews, we found that I would be working just to pay for daycare expenses. After a lot of back and forth, we decided that I will stay home for at least the first year.

Anyone else out there a stay at home mom in their 30s? What do I do with my days? So far, it's been a lot of laundry.