
So my partner an I have been TTC for over a year now, and when we least expected it I was pregnant from april 7th . I went to my local women's emergency room due to a positive pregnancy test an for over 5 days I was having brown discharge. After running some test an ultrasounds everything seems to have been Okay so i was sent home. That following morning April 24th, another DR had taken a look at my results an saw my uterus was empty an they saw a large mass on the left near my ovaries. For a normal pregnancy at 3 weeks your hormone level should be between 2-3000 mine was at the peak of 6000. So after going over the options and everything I had a biopsy of my uterus (just to be sure there was no pregnancy inside) which was the worst pain i have ever felt. An they also gave me the two shots to desolve the pregnancy... I have follow up appointments an stuff.. 😔 I am just scared to go through this life threating painful processe again