Baby bump or??

This may seem really dumb but I’m a FTM and I’m 16 weeks 2 days. I know the apps are saying a small bump may be making an appearance but I’m having a hard time deciding if my stomach is still mostly just fat (I weighed 174 pre pregnancy) or if it’s baby!😂🤷🏻‍♀️😬 I weigh like 158 now.. I lost a bunch of weight since getting pregnant🤷🏻‍♀️

My stomach is definitely a little harder and “rounder” taking a different shape but idk 😂 like I said I know this probably sounds dumb but it’s been bugging me! What’s your opinion😂 and I know this can be a touchy subject but be honest while being polite! Thanks guys 😊

Feel free to post your bump pics at the same gestation if you can in comments!