TTC struggles with irregular cycles


I’ve been on this app for a couple months now and I’ve seen a lot of women struggle with TTC. And not to belittle in any sort of way what they are going through but I feel like no one talks about TTC when you have irregular cycles. Like my cycle is sometimes 28 days and sometimes 60. I don’t know when I’m going to ovulate or if my period is just late or if my body is “re-clocking” itself as I call it. I wish I could plan out the whole month and have a chart that makes sense but I’m just swinging in the dark. Im pretty much to the point that I have zero hope that I’m going to get pregnant any month I test and I feel like if I look at a another negative I’m gonna throw up. I haven’t met anyone with irregular cycles like that and it’s really lonely on this particular struggle bus. Any other ladies have the same kind of struggles? I would really love to start a group about it.