Weird cycle...thoughts?

I have PCOS, so I don’t get a period unless I take progesterone supplements, which I have done for a few years now, no issues. This time around, I had much heavier bleeding for 8 days, whereas it is usually 3-5 days only one or two being heavy. Clots are normal but this time, there were so many and at least half a dozen 2-3 inch clots (horrifying), which I have never had before. I had cramps and lower back pain all day and night for 5 days, foggy brain all week, none of which is common to me.

Then, 3 days after I finally stopped bleeding, I apparently started again during sex, it was nothing crazy, my cervix felt low, aka it was getting pushed around, haha, and there was more blood than spotting, not enough to need a pad. I took a pregnancy test during my period just because all of those things were so off, I wanted to check to see if I was having a miscarriage. Does any of this sound off to you guys, is this nothing to be concerned about? I have never had a regular cycle so I don’t have a pattern to go off of, but my first period after nearly a year without one wasn’t even this bad.