

Hey guys for the last couple of days I have been mixing two different kinds of formula for my 5 month old son.

He was on Neosure for the first 3 months of his life, and has put on a considerable amount of weight because of it. That formula make him constipated and colicky. When we tried to take him off and give him enfamil reguline, he would spit up almost the entire bottle. It was coming out of his nose. So we put him back on Neosure.

Now for the past month he has been on enfamil gentlease, and recently has begun spitting up massive amounts again.

I’m reluctant to take him to the doctor because even when it was coming out his nose the doctor said he was fine.

He is still putting on weight but the amount that is coming up worries me. It’s soaked the baby’s shirt, my shirt, my pants, and left a puddle on the floor.

So as iv stated for the last couple of days have been mixing the gentleease and Neosure. Is this safe to do? Have other moms done this? Would you recommend? And opinions, facts, or experiences, greatly appreciated.