Question for women who thought they had Evans

Sierra • With my love since 05 • 04 • 2018 ❤️

Hey gals,

How many women thought they had evap lines but ended up pregnant?

I just read an article that if you drop water on a paper towel, it turns gray because it is wet and there was no chemical reaction.

Pregnancy tests are like this and hence why people get negative results

But if there is any HCG (even the smallest amounts) causes a chemical reaction and the reason that a line turns pink/blue and why it causes a faint or thin line

I ask because I took 2 blue dye tests and they were both skinny and grew blue after time (they both did turn a faint blue in the time frame) but I was thinking they were Evaps but apparently evaps are a myth?

So how many of you thought you had evaps but ended up pregnant!