Am I just paranoid?

Hello everyone

I have been with my partner exclusively for two and a half years. On April 2 this year I got the Jadelle implant in my arm. I was sore for a while but everything went great.

We waited a week after I got the implant to have sex so that I couldn’t get pregnant. Though (and this is the paranoid part) I got the implant on Tuesday afternoon and we had unprotected sex for the first time the following Tuesday morning. Should we have waited until the afternoon?

The reason that I am so worried is because I’m experiencing a lot of symptoms:

The first being that my period is five days late when it usually works like clock work. And I know that the most common side affect of the implant is spotting and irregular bleeding. Where as mine has disappeared completely.

I also have quite tender breasts, nausea and terrible cramps but this is common for me during PMS.

Thanks for you advice and wisdom in advance xxx