What I tried while trying

After 8 months TTC, I got my BFP today!!!! I know that when I was trying, I was always looking for what others did to finally get those two pretty pink lines so I thought I would share what I did each month. Hope this helps!

I took prenatal vitamins and did opks all 8 months but this is what we tried in addition...

Month 1: BD every day during fertile week, preseed

Month 2: BD every other day during fertile week, preseed

Month 3: BD every other day entire month, opks the entire month, preseed when we felt like it but not consistently

Month 4: BD every other day during fertile week, not using preseed anymore

Month 5: BD every other day during fertile week, started BBT monitoring, mucinex during fertile week, hubby started taking Fertilaid, drank pink stork fertility tea before ovulation

Month 6: BD every other day during fertile week, BBT, mucinex, started 1/4 dose of ovaboost from CD1-ovulation, pink stork tea

Month 7: BD during every other day during fertile week, BBT, mucinex, pineapple core 1-5 dpo, B6 during TWW, switched prenatals to one with methylated folate, added iron supplement, ovaboost, pink stork

Month 8: sperm meets egg method, ovaboost, pomegranate juice from CD1-ovulation, BBT, mucinex, pineapple core 1-5 dpo, B6 since ovulation, fertility massage before ovulation, pink stork

Baby dust!!!!!